Monday 22 August 2016

Looking For An Answer With No Question.

This is  point of view.

When I was little my family and I would travel to Spain a lot to visit my grandparents who were living there. At the time I was approximately six and, therefore, my sister was twelve. My sister is six years older than me so as an older sister she was always right because I was younger. Nobody even remembers this now because it seemed silly. Anyway, I shared a room with my sister in our grandparent's house. She was asleep and so was everyone else but I did not realise this. I heard a scrape and a crash coming from the living room. So, as the curious child I was, I put my slippers on and walked into the living room. I hit the lights on and an elderly woman was crouched, rocking back and forth in the corner of the room. She was holding a doll. It looked like someone I knew but I couldn't put my finger on it. I stood there for a while contemplating what to do. Just as I opened my mouth to say something but she snapped her head around and looked right into my blue eyes. She looked fascinated by me. She looked down to her doll and back to me, confused.

I looked down to her doll and looked into its eyes. They were a similar too mine but greener and her hair was curly and a light brown like mine. The doll was exactly like me but not me. It was then that I had remembered some family photos. My great grandma looked exactly like me when she was alive but with greener eyes. I never knew how she died. I looked to the woman. She was sad. Very sad. She stood up straight and said to me. "I will win one day" and with that she disappeared I ran back to my room and went to sleep.

In the morning I told my family what I had experienced that night. They said it was a nightmare, but I wasn't scared. I was confused. The only person who hadn't said a word was my grandma, she just looked remorseful. Ever since that day she has never looked at me the same. All she says is that I look so much like her.

I can't explain what happened that day, nor do I think I ever will be able to. This memory is what keeps me looking for an answer even if I don't know the question. Trying to find an explanation has opened me up to a whole world I didn't even know existed and it is amazing yet depressing at the same time.

A bit of an update if you have a story you want explaining and you do not want it to be public I have an email. I will probably use a different story and use that to explain to you what is happening. If that makes sense, it probably doesn't!

The email:

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